Your Coffee Compass

Are you in need of some coffee education? Or maybe just tired of the same old coffee choices? Then this coffee blog is meant for you. If you live in the Ann Arbor community like me, then you know that coffee is like a culture here, and that you can’t walk down a street without seeing a place to grab a cup of coffee.

Whether you are a coffee-holic like me or just wanted to learn something new, here are some types of coffee you should try!

First, let’s focus on the utilitarian value of coffee (Babin/Harris, 2016). Maybe you pulled an all-nighter studying or were out late last night and cannot focus on anything you need to do today because you are tired. I have definitely been there. Then you most likely are in need of a good cup of coffee that will wake you right up. There are many studies that have demonstrated how coffee drinking can improve mental abilities such as alertness, attention, and concentration:
I swear by my Keurig in the morning to get me through the day. I just pop in one of my Starbucks K-Cups and grab my travel mug for easy on-the-go coffee drinking. I know a Keurig might seem like a large investment for the regular college student, but I definitely recommend it for someone who’s a regular coffee drinker. When you put the benefits of a Keurig, such as quality, time, and convenience into the value equation, they outweigh the sacrifice of money (Babin/Harris, 2016).

Brewing your own coffee is definitely not the only way to get your coffee fix. If you need an extra jolt of caffeine, an espresso shot is the way to go. My personal favorite place for espresso drinks in Ann Arbor is Mighty Good Coffee. Also, this summer my new addiction has been the Cold Brew coffee from Starbucks. It is just like a regular iced coffee only more concentrated, giving it a stronger taste and feel. Anyway, whether it’s a regular cup of coffee, an espresso shot, or a cup of cold brew, you will definitely feel refreshed and ready to start your day.

Now, let’s not forget about the hedonic value (Babin/Harris, 2016) of coffee. For those of you who love coffee like me, I know that you’ve passed by a coffee place unable to resist that tempting coffee aroma. Since it’s the fall season, I definitely recommend a pumpkin spice latte or other specialty drinks only offered during this time. My personal favorite is a vanilla latte from RoosRoast Coffee. You also can combine your utilitarian and hedonic values by adding a shot of espresso in your latte or adding flavor to your regular cup of coffee.

Also, I know there are definitely those of you who want to grab a cup of coffee for that Snapchat story or Instagram post. In that case, you should absolutely stop by Black Diesel Coffee. They do the best latte art that I have seen in Ann Arbor. It’s a little farther from campus, but definitely worth the trip for that perfect picture.

I definitely have developed a low involvement attitude towards purchasing coffee beverages, but these coffee tips should definitely help those of you with higher involvement to make purchasing decisions about coffee (Angell, 2017). Anyway, these are just a few of my coffee insights from living in Ann Arbor, and I know I left out a bunch of other coffee options, so keep exploring!


Babin, B., & Harris, E. (2016). In CB 7 (7th ed., pp. 29-34). Boston, MA: Cengage Learning.

Angell, A. (2017, September 25). Consumer Attitudes. Lecture presented at the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor. 


  1. Hi Taylor!

    I really enjoyed reading your blog. I thought it was interesting to read an entire blog on coffee, especially from the perspective of a coffee-holic. For me, coffee has more of a utilitarian value (Babin, 2016, p. 29) because I do not love the taste, but really need it for energy to power through my day. I usually just make my own black coffee at home or buy one from Starbucks. However, after reading all your recommendations, especially the one about the vanilla latte from RoosRoast, I think I need to change up my coffee routine. Perhaps if I start drinking flavored lattes like the ones you suggested, coffee could take on a hedonic value (Babin, 2016, p. 28-29) for me, as I might start to want and crave it. I'm really excited to read future blogs from you and see all the suggestions you have to offer!

    Babin. B., & Harris, E. (2016). In CB 7 (7th ed., p. 28, 29). Boston, MA: Cengage Learning.

  2. As a fellow coffee-addict, I was immediately tempted to read your blog! I also use coffee for its utilitarian values, especially when I need extra attention and concentration at the library, so I can relate (Babin, 2016, p.29). The link directly following your claim was a strong addition as it adds credibility to your blog.

    Another way that you might compare these coffee shops is through their product differentiation. This would give blog readers more information about the unique offering of each business (Babin, 2016, p.36). I, as a vanilla latte enthusiast, am particularly interested that RoosRoast differentiates through its superior vanilla lattes. Overall, I think you did a great job of giving your readers a look into lesser known coffee shops on campus. Another way to engage your readers would be to include pictures that capture the atmosphere of both businesses. I definitely plan on trying these new coffee spots myself!

    Babin, B. J., & Harris, E. G. (2016). Value and the Consumer Behavior Value
    Framework. In Consumer Behavior (7th ed., pp. 22-50). Boston, MA: Cengage


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